Enhancing Lloyd's of London's Graduate Recruitment


Lloyd's of London historically attracted candidates for their graduate positions, but they recognized a need to tap into a larger and more diverse talent pool. However, the brand suffered from relative obscurity, often being mistaken for a bank, and faced the challenge of dispelling negative stereotypes associated with the insurance industry. The goal was to elevate Lloyd's profile, alter perceptions of insurance, and consequently secure higher-quality applications.


The strategy focused on leveraging people's natural intrigue regarding Lloyd's work, particularly their involvement in insuring unusual and unique items. The "What's it worth?" challenge was introduced, inviting students and graduates to assess the value of some of the most bizarre things Lloyd's has insured, with a chance to win a £1,000 grand prize. The campaign spanned six weeks, utilizing Facebook as a hub for posing questions about Lloyd's eccentric insurance projects, encouraging participants to explore the Lloyd's website for answers. Targeted promotional activities were executed on selected campuses to drive engagement.

The "What's it worth?" concept was not limited to the competition; it permeated the entire attraction campaign across various touchpoints such as brochures, exhibition stands, banners, and business cards. This comprehensive approach aimed to reshape candidates' perceptions of Lloyd's as a whole.


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