Shifting the perception of Philip Morris International (PMI) from a cigarette company to an advocate for a smoke-free future poses a significant challenge. The general public, the scientific community, and key opinion leaders (KOLs) still associate PMI with its past, hindering its reputation transformation. The existing storytelling methods have been effective, but PMI needs new and innovative ways to continue conveying it’s evolving narrative and break through the cigarette company stereotype.


The traditional narrative has been successful, but a more creative and engaging approach is needed to capture attention and reshape perceptions. While PMI's message remains consistent, the challenge lies in communicating the positive impact of its transformation on individuals and society, avoiding any sense of self-importance and emphasizing the broader benefits.


Introducing a fresh approach, PMI aims to convey its transformation story through a visually captivating and emotionally resonant hero film supported by cut-downs and image-based assets. The film will feature a dynamic protagonist navigating through an immersive environment of changing screens, projections, and visual cues. The film will symbolize the company's commitment to a smoke-free future by embodying PMI's diverse workforce and global population.


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